Customer Service: +1 (800)785-5680
Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (NGFR) Antibody
Novel Express qPCR System - ROX Free
Novel Express qPCR System - ROX I
Novel Express qPCR System - ROX II
Novel Green Plus (20000X) (DNA Staining Reagent)
Novel Juice (DNA Staining Reagent)
OnePCR Ultra supermix w fluorescent dye
OneStep Blocker, Western Blocking Solution and Signal Enhancer
p16 Antibody
p40 Antibody
p504s Antibody
p53 Antibody
p63 Antibody
PAX-5 Antibody
PAX-8 Antibody
PCR Clean-Up & Gel Extraction Kit
PD-1 Antibody
PD-L1 Antibody
Plant Genomic DNA Isolation Reagent
Plant Total RNA Isolation Reagent
Plasmid maxiPREP Kit
Plasmid midiPREP Kit
Plasmid miniPREP Kit
PMS2 Antibody
Podoplanin Antibody
PSA Antibody
PSAP Antibody
QuickSilver Fast Running Buffer Powder, 100 pouches
QuickSilver PBS Buffer Powder, 100 pouches
QuickSilver PBS-T Buffer Powder, 100 pouches
QuickSilver TAE Buffer Powder, 100 pouches
QuickSilver TBE Buffer Powder, 50 pouches
QuickSilver TBS Buffer Powder, 100 pouches
QuickSilver TBS-T Buffer Powder, 100 pouches
QuickSilver Tris-Glycine-SDS Buffer Powder, 50 pouches
QuickSilver Tris-MES-SDS Buffer Powder, 50 pouches
QuickSilver Tris-MOPS-SDS Buffer Powder, 50 pouches
s-100 Antibody
SALL4 Antibody
SmartGlow™ Loading Dye with Safe Green Stain, 1.0ml